The Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) is Alabama’s coordinating agency for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
Located in Clanton, AL, it houses state employees who work hard to coordinate state resources for as many as 34 state agencies and meet the needs of citizens and county EMAs statewide.
AEMA is charged with maintaining a comprehensive statewide program of emergency management. The division ensures that Alabama is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from them, and mitigate their impacts. AEMA coordinates the efforts of the Federal Government with other departments and agencies of state government, with county and municipal governments and school boards, and with private agencies that have a role in emergency management.
State EMA divides Alabama's 67 counties into seven (7) divisions. Tuscaloosa County is in Division C and is also the Primary Division Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The Division EOCs act as a coordination point for all state response and/or recovery operations within the respective area of operation. They provide the structure for coordinating State and Federal multi-agency support for catastrophic and non-catastrophic disasters or emergencies. Each division has an Emergency Support Function (ESF) Coordinator who represents the state and helps provide interagency coordination.