Tuscaloosa County COVID-19 Vaccine Information
April 8, 2022

On November 3, 2021, the FDA and CDC have both approved the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine for children 5 through 11 years old. The COVID-19 vaccine for this age group is a reduced dose (10 microgram), two-dose series. On January 10, 2022 the FDA and CDC Authorizes the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine as a single booster dose in individuals 12 through 15 years of age.
These lower dose vaccines will come from Pfizer with distinct markings to avoid confusion and should be shipped to providers as soon as this weekend. Sites such as pharmacies, pediatric health care provider offices and the health department will likely be able to offer this vaccine soon. Because of this anticipated availability, DCH will NOT be offering the pediatric dose of the vaccine at this time. However, DCH will continue to monitor the situation and if the demand dictates an additional need then this will be reevaluated.
State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris said, “We believe the best way to protect everyone is to be vaccinated, including children and people who have been infected with COVID-19 previously. Parents with questions are advised to discuss vaccination for their children with their pediatrician, family physician or clinic and make the best decision based on scientific evidence and the guidance of their provider.”
For a map that can help you find a location and a vaccine you want: Click Here
Publix Pharmacy is administering the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson Vaccine along with the Booster by appointment and walk-in. To learn more, please click here.
Crimson Care Clinics:
Crimson Care clinics on Skyland Blvd. and Veterans Memorial Parkway are administering the Moderna vaccine and Booster. Visit https://www.crimsoncare.com/vaccine
DCH Medical Center:
Offering the Pfizer vaccine and Booster at its drive through location. Starting the week of June 28, DCH will only offer vaccines to the public on Fridays from 7 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. To register or for more information on receiving the vaccine from DCH and to schedule an appointment, click here. DCH will NOT be offering the pediatric dose of Pfizer.
Tuscaloosa County Health Department:
ADPH West Central District is offering COVID vaccination and COVID testing daily at each local county health department from 8:00 am-5:00 pm. They are closed for lunch from 12pm-1pm. This is a walk-in service. They are offering all 3 vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. ADPH has pediatric Pfizer for ages 5-11 in each of West Central District County COVID Clinics. It also has COVID vaccine Boosters for those age 65 and older and those who are 18 & up with specific medical conditions/work conditions.
Walk-ins welcome but to schedule an appointment and find out more information, click here.
For instructions on completing your ADPH Vaccination paperwork, click here.
Winn Dixie
Winn Dixie pharmacy is offering the COVID vaccine at select Tuscaloosa locations. Visit https://www.winndixie.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine/covid19-vaccine-availability to see participating locations and to schedule an appointment. Pharmacist recommend calling any store to confirm availability. The 4205 University Blvd East store has Moderna and the 9750 Hwy 69 South store has Pfizer, Pediatric Pfizer (5-11), and Moderna.
Walmart & Sam’s Club Stores
Walmart is administering Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines and Sam's Club is administering Moderna to eligible persons at select locations. Walk-ins welcome. For more information and to schedule an appoint, visit Walmart.com/COVIDvaccine or Samsclub.com/covid.
A list of locations can be found by clicking here.
CVS Pharmacy
CVS is offering the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine in select Tuscaloosa locations. Use their website to find out witch. For appointments and more information, click here.
Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center:
The Tuscaloosa VA is vaccinating veterans ages 40 and older. To schedule an appointment, please call 205-554-2010. If you are not enrolled at the Tuscaloosa VA, please call Eligibility and Enrollment at 205-554-2000 x2220 or x2221
University of Alabama
Individuals affiliated with the University of Alabama, including faculty, staff, and frontline contract workers, can click here for more information on receiving the vaccine. The COVID vaccine is required for all employees.
Maude Whatley Health Services
Maude Whatley Health Services is vaccinating those eligible to receive the vaccine. To make an appointment in Tuscaloosa please call 205-614-6189.
Vaccine Quick Facts:
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (95 percent effective after two doses) (As of May 13, 2021 approved for 12 years and up) The FDA and CDC have both approved the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine for children 5 through 11 years old. The COVID-19 vaccine for the 5-11 age group is a reduced dose (10 microgram), two-dose series.
- Number of shots: 2 shots, 21 days apart
- How given: Shot in the muscle of the upper arm
- Does not contain: Eggs, Preservatives, Latex
- Authorized for emergency use in persons aged 16 years and older
- Click here for additional information
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (94 percent effective after two doses)
- Number of shots: 2 shots, one month (28 days) apart
- How given: Shot in the muscle of the upper arm
- Does not contain: Eggs, Preservatives, Latex
- Authorized for emergency use in individuals aged 18 years and older
- Click here for additional information
Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine (72 percent effective after one dose)
- Number of shots: 1 shot
- How given: Shot in the muscle of the upper arm
- Does not contain: Eggs, Preservatives, Latex
- Authorized for emergency use in individuals aged 18 years and older
- Click here for additional information
Vaccine Resources:
Alabama Department of Public Health
We would encourage you to continue researching the vaccine and deciding if it's the right choice for you and your family.