Carroll’s Creek VFD Shelter

Shelter entrance is located in back of the new VFD Station No. 1
Limited Handicapped parking is also located in the back.
Rules per the Carroll's Creek VFD:
- Individuals must sign in and enter/exit through designated doors inwhich only the manager unlocks.
- Once doors are locked no one will leave or enter the shelter until suggested all clear is given by the Emergency Management Agency (EMA).
- Individuals must follow staff instructions, are not allowed to adjust the TV, and will be asked to leave if disruptive.
- Smoking is only allowed outside, away from the entrance with butts placed in the ashtray.
- Individuals must remain in the shelter and are not allowed to go throughout the station.
- All pets must remain in a crate while in the shelter.
- First Aid will be provided by staff if necessary and should be notified of any problems. Individuals may be asked to help with different tasks and are encouraged to help.
- Vending machines and ice water are provided for comfort.
- Once the event has ended individuals will be asked to assist in cleaning before leaving. Ones displaced by the storm will be referred to the American Red Cross for temporary housing.
- Please treat staff and individuals with respect as the situation can be stressful.